The St. Vincent de Paul Society is an international Catholic lay organization that offers person-to-person service to individuals in need. The Society, operating through its local and regional circles, offers a range of services, which may include financial assistance, food for those in need, consultation, or and advice for healthy and happy living. Parishioners of Holy Trinity Catholic Church are invited to consider becoming a part of this very important organization who helps those in need. Contact the parish office for more information.
Please click the graphic above or click (here) to support the mission of the Holy Trinity St. Vincent de Paul Conference. Will you donate to our 2022 fundraiser? Your donation will help the Holy Trinity St.Vincent de Paul Conference provide emergency assistance to our "friends in need" within the boundaries of the Holy Trinity Catholic Church community. You can help to prevent a possible eviction or utility disconnection, or provide food to a hungry individual or family.
The Holy Trinity St. Vincent de Paul Conference held a luncheon planning meeting at Monjuni’s recently in preparation for their September 2022 “Invitation to Serve” appeal to Holy Trinity parishioners to join their ministry.
Holy Trinity extends a hearty "Thank you" to the generous parishioners of Holy Trinity Catholic Church for supporting the ministry of our St. Vincent de Paul Conference. During FY 2021 (October 1, 2020 - September 30, 2021), the Holy Trinity St. Vincent de Paul Conference assisted forty-four (44) families, a total of 110 people, with one-time emergency assistance. The financial assistance consisted of $6,782 for various utilities and/or food, $2,892 in housing assistance, $800 in disaster contributions to the Hurricane Ida local shelters, and $155 in miscellaneous aide such as Sportran bus passes for employment purposes. Our Vincentian volunteers represent Holy Trinity parish as we help our friends in need who call the St. Vincent de Paul Helpline and live within the Holy Trinity St. Vincent de Paul Conference boundaries. Please know that the Vincentians pray for all our generous donors and their special intentions.
PHOTO: Holy Trinity St. Vincent de Paul Conference Members: (From left) Joe Littlejohn, Melanie Cathey, Bonnie Martinez, and David Stuart. Not shown are Mary Moore Pyles and Barbara Scott.
Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul.
Organized locally, Vincentians witness God’s love by embracing all works of charity and justice. The Society collaborates with other people of good will in relieving need and addressing its causes, making no distinction in those served because, in them, Vincentians see the face of Christ.
If you or a person you know is in need of food, or requires financial assistance with utilities or rent, contact the St. Vincent de Paul Hotline for your deanery.
For the geographic area of Holy Trinity Catholic Church, call the Shreveport Area Line at 318-865-7807. Please note, the hotline is answered by volunteers during the hours of 9:00 - 11:00 am and 1:00 - 3:00 pm. If your call is not answered right away, please leave a message or try again shortly.
Members = are Catholic, Regularly Attend Meetings, Participate in Conference Works
Associate Members = Participate in Conference Works, may or may not attend meetings
Contributing Members = Make Regular Financial Donations to The Society
God's blessings to all current and future members, and to all whom the society serves!
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul offers tangible assistance to those in need on a person-to-person basis. It is this personalized involvement that makes the work of the Society unique. This aid may take the form of intervention, consultation, or often through direct dollar or in-kind service. An essential precept of the Society’s work is to provide help while conscientiously maintaining the confidentiality and dignity of those who are served. Some 12 million persons are helped annually by Vincentians in the United States.
Frederic Ozanam was born in Milan, April 23, 1813, where his father practiced medicine. Frederic grew up in Lyon and was educated at the College Royal de Lyon, and entered the Sorbonne in Paris is 1831 to study law. Rampant anti-Catholicism existed in the university, with professors constantly attacking the Church and its committed advocates. Ozanam assembled a number of these fellow students and together translated works into deeds with the formation of a Conference of Charity in May, 1833. In 1835, rules and purposes of the association were formulated and the official title, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, adopted.
Ozanam received his law degree but soon abandoned it to pursue academics, particularly foreign literature, while giving unqualified service to the Church through total dedication to the growing Society of St. Vincent de Paul, relentlessly espousing the mission of Christ’s Church to the poor, the needy, the suffering, and the afflicted. He died at the age of 40. Rites for his beatification were held on August 22, 1997 at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.
O God Our Father, You alone have the power to bestow those precious gist of Yours which we rightly call miracles. If it be Your will, be pleased to grant such a gift on behalf of ______________. We humbly ask that you grant this favor so that Blessed Frederic Ozanam may be canonized by our Holy Mother the Church. We make this prayer through Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.
“In serving the sick, you should have God alone in view. You should not be too lenient and condescending when the sick refuse to take remedies or become too insolent, yet you must beware of showing either resentment or contempt in your demeanor toward them. On the contrary, treat the sick with respect and humility, remembering that all harshness and disdain, as well as the services and the honor you render them, are directed to our Lord himself.” -Bl Frederic Ozanam
“No Work of Charity is Foreign to the Society”. -Bl. Frederic Ozanam